Negociação de balcão (OTC) e corretores explicados em um minuto: OTC Link, OTCBB, etc.
O que veremos neste artigo:
Entendendo o Trading OTC: Uma Alternativa a Considerar
O trading over the counter, ou OTC, também chamado de off-exchange trading, é uma forma de negociação em que as transações ocorrem diretamente entre duas partes, sem a necessidade de uma bolsa formal, como a Bolsa de Valores de Nova York. Mas afinal, como funciona?
Como Funciona o OTC Trading?
Em resumo, as negociações são facilitadas por corretores ou market makers, que se comunicam e negociam entre si por meio de serviços de cotação interdealer gerenciados por entidades como o OTC Markets Group com seu OTC Link ou a FINRA com seu OTC Bulletin Board. Apesar de não ser tão regulamentado quanto as bolsas tradicionais, existem políticas e requisitos de elegibilidade para participar do OTC trading.
Prós e Contras do OTC Trading
O OTC trading nem sempre tem a melhor reputação, devido a questões como menor liquidez, falta de transparência e riscos mais pronunciados. No entanto, também apresenta vantagens, como a possibilidade de empresas que não se qualificam para listagem em bolsas tradicionais ganharem acesso ao mercado, a capacidade de manter um perfil mais discreto e menos burocracia regulatória.
Vale a Pena Considerar o OTC Trading
No final das contas, ame-o ou odeie-o, o OTC trading é uma opção que vale a pena considerar. Com suas próprias vantagens e desvantagens, é importante avaliar cuidadosamente se essa forma de negociação se encaixa nos seus objetivos e estratégias de investimento.
O que significa OTC?
OTC significa over the counter, ou seja, é uma forma de negociação em que as transações ocorrem diretamente entre duas partes, sem a presença de uma bolsa formal.
Quais são os prós e contras do OTC trading?
Os prós do OTC trading incluem o acesso ao mercado para empresas que não se qualificam para listagem em bolsas tradicionais, além da possibilidade de manter um perfil mais discreto. Já os contras envolvem questões como menor liquidez, falta de transparência e riscos mais pronunciados.
O OTC trading é uma opção que oferece vantagens e desvantagens, sendo importante para investidores avaliarem cuidadosamente se essa forma de negociação está alinhada com seus objetivos e estratégias de investimento.
Thanks brother more great info!
Great video man. Can I ask you a question? I’m trying to buy Nanosonics (NNCSF: OTC) through TD-Ameritrade And my account is rejecting it because of my buying power, any suggestions or thoughts?
OTC markets are really tough to trade, with low liquidity and high volatility, and the fact that theres no disclosure requirement means you'll lose money thanks to rampant manipulation against you trades
can u make video on how binary option broker works? i mean if we lose where our money will go?
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I didn’t understand anything lol
Great job
What happens when you buy over the counter stocks and the company then joins NASDAQ via IPO? Can somebody tell what the difference is between these two tickers since they seem to be the same company? HPQFF and UARGF
Can anyone recommend an OTC exchange market to me? I'm on the hunt for some good penny stocks and need a place that will store them as well. Much like Coinbase or Etrade.
Interesting, thanks! Wallmart started there, so are there any other examples of spectacular successes of companies going from a penny stock to a great well-known company?
what i dont understand is if theres a way to buy crypto OTC without disturbing the price, is there a way to sell like OTC without disturbing the price? Its almost like the whales can manipulate the price at there own will
Thank you…
Can anyone explain why AltaGas ATGFF is OTC in the United States?
If an OTC is about to go onto NASDAQ (AUGX Oct 2021), should I buy before it goes, hoping for a rise? Or wait and let it drop? IN SHORT: Does an OTC typically rise first when it hits NASDAQ?
Can the bank be one of the parties in OTC? Like forwards for example.
Important update! The situation in Ukraine is BAD and action must be taken. If this channel has been useful to you at least once, please give me a minute (!) of your time by watching the following video dedicated to what I believe must be done from an economic perspective (anyone can help):
Please do you know of any cryptocurrency otc markets?
Sir, which app or software do you use to your videos.?
dumb ass just clarify for people instead of reading from the internet definition, otc is just over the phone trading, one institution calls another to buy or sell, and they have to agree on price , thats all.
I just got ripped off by broker paying 2x excessive commision for australian OTCs..totally contradictory with the price per share, and it was closed without my consent. I say this to you – stay away from OTCs! only stick with regulated, classic stocks listed on an exchange.
I am sorry but I don't understand the concept
This is like the adult version of DONT TRUST STRANGERS
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$MULN brought me here….
Sem brilliance in the afterglow
don't trade on OTC it's scam and steals money
Any thoughts on endpq?
I love it
All I heard is con con con con con – No thank you, too many negatives. I rather continue trading Forex and wait until Sunday. Just thought I could find something to trade on Friday and Sat. – Using $5k, 2 days worth, I made $1600 – so I think I am happy with that. Lots of small profits $20, repeat that 20x do the math – few big ones as in $500, $300 and less – I will not change my lot change, max to 0.5 to 5 lots. I wonder if you can make as much money with OTC is a project through which I make it possible for people to build truly gigantic websites (thousands of articles each!) at ridiculously low prices. If you have a great domain you want to turn into an amazing website or an existing site you'd like to upgrade/scale, visit our website or check out the One Minute Economics presentation video below:
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Is it safe to invest in otcpk
You are the trading God…
cool) thanks for you helpful lessons
Thank you very much for your help in achieving financial independence through trading.