O Escândalo Enron: Recklessness Corporativa, Mentiras e Falência
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Entendendo o Escândalo Enron: Recklessness Corporativa, Mentiras e Falência
O escândalo da Enron é um dos casos mais emblemáticos de fraude e corrupção corporativa que chocou o mundo. Recentemente, um vídeo ilustrativo foi lançado no YouTube explicando o que aconteceu em apenas um minuto.
O Colapso da Enron
A Enron, que um dia foi considerada uma das maiores corporações dos Estados Unidos, enfrentou um colapso financeiro impressionante. Em vez de admitir as perdas e buscar soluções responsáveis, os executivos da empresa optaram por esconder a situação por meio de práticas contábeis fraudulentas para preservar o valor das ações. Essa postura imprudente e irresponsável levou a empresa à beira da falência.
Investigação e Consequências
A mídia questionou a valorização da Enron, desencadeando a queda no valor das ações e revelando a verdade por trás das operações. A empresa acabou pedindo falência, resultando em inúmeros empregos perdidos e um impacto devastador nos fundos de aposentadoria dos funcionários.
Muitos executivos enfrentaram processos judiciais e alguns foram condenados à prisão. O escândalo da Enron serviu como um alerta para implementação de regulamentações mais rigorosas e transparência nas práticas empresariais.
Consequências e Lições Aprendidas
O colapso da Enron não foi um caso isolado. O incidente ressalta a necessidade de responsabilidade corporativa e ética nos negócios, além de questionar a gestão imprudente das corporações. A tragédia da Enron evidencia a importância de práticas empresariais transparentes e éticas, para evitar situações similares no futuro.
O que causou o colapso da Enron?
O colapso da Enron foi causado por práticas contábeis fraudulentas e a má gestão financeira dos executivos, que optaram por esconder as perdas em vez de tomar medidas responsáveis.
Quais foram as consequências do escândalo da Enron?
O escândalo resultou na falência da empresa, levando à perda de milhares de empregos e impactando negativamente os fundos de aposentadoria dos funcionários. Além disso, vários executivos enfrentaram processos judiciais e condenações.
O escândalo da Enron é um lembrete poderoso dos perigos da negligência corporativa e da falta de ética nos negócios. A necessidade de regulamentações mais rígidas e transparência nas práticas empresariais destaca-se como uma lição fundamental a ser aprendida com essa trágica história.
Fonte: YouTube – Um Minuto do Econtista
good question!
nice vid
make a video about the current Eurocrisis(Deutche bank having problems,Greece virtually going bankrupt etc etc.) and the negative intrest rates that are getting imposed in Japan and EU!
Nice animation, did you make this yourself?
Good vids. Keep going and you will get a lot more subscribers
This is fantastic. Subbed. Can't wait to see your channel grow.
Thank you for making this easy to understand <3
Thank you, I'm glad I found this channel, the videos are easy to understand and they aren't extremely long.
Apple and many others do exactly the same thing today.
Some errors. The downfall of Enron began when Internorth paid too much for Houston Natural Gas, Ken Lay's company and gave him power. That was in 1985 not 1997. The first glaring crimes occurred at the Valhalla, NY, Enron Trading operation which lost almost $200 million. Ken Lay only changed the name to Enteron and then quickly to Enron. Then came a series of catastrophic decisions and selling assets to cover losses and then cam embezzlement and fraud. Ken Lay and his cronies were the worst decision. They has immense pride and could not admit to themselves or the business community that they were failures. The only profitable part that was left was Northern Natural Gas which is now owned by the immensely profitable, Warren Buffett. Ken Lay had little to do with NNG.
Nice in 1 min. thanks buddy…want more stories like this.
Enron looted our country, 38000 crores was paid by India
I learned more in this video than watching the documentary.
This is what (Fun with dick and jane) was all about.
Hi. Well illustrated and informative video. What is the name of the software you are using for making your animations?
The whole America is following this pattern.
Not to be a dick, but this video didn't explain anything. What accounting tricks?
Something went Enwrong.
This is what happens when Narcissistic Psychopaths managed a company. It should be mandatory to all company executives to undergone a psychiatric evaluation atleast once a year before allowing them to manage any company.
Can you make one on Sears/Kmart?
plz make vd in Kannada also
Is it so that Elizabeth Holmes father worked in Enron?
i didnt really learn anything other than a lie was told and they went bankrupt. why did joe rogan send me here ?
Cool video!
wrg, monex or not doesn't matter, happyx no matter what
Which program used for this video?
Sidney Powell's book Licensed to Lie deals in part with Enron trials . . . and describes the CORRUPT Dept of Justice . . . . Many at Enron were unfairly prosecuted . . . . Thank you Barack Obama and Eric Holder . . . .
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This really did not explain a whole lot. I would have just mentioned that they used a different accounting measure (mark-to-market accounting) that ultimately inflated their actual revenue, meanwhile, hiding the debt in its subsidiaries and accounting them as other forms of revenue so they could hide their debt. Additionally, they misused the practice of securitization and mixed their debts and other forms of assets just for the sake of taking them out of there balance sheet. That said, a lot of the business practices they did were not signed off by anyone–which can be attributed to the CFO Andy Fastow–because it would have been a case of check and balance against Enron, so there was a case of fraud because the transactions being transferred were to Fastow's FLM2 business–among other entities. This also posed as a conflict of interest but was largely knowingly ignored by executives of Enron. Essentially, the whole case boiled down to inflating their book's value, while hiding their debt from shareholders.
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Enron is also the one who pursued the Bush Administration to initiate the Afghan Invasion in order to oust the Taliban who had rejected Enron's offers of building a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India/Arabian Sea.
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