Reserva fracionária bancária explicada em um minuto
O que veremos neste artigo:
Reserva fracionária bancária: O que é e como funciona?
A reserva fracionária bancária refere-se ao sistema pelo qual os bancos podem criar dinheiro através de depósitos e empréstimos. Este sistema permite que os bancos emprestem uma quantidade maior do que o valor real dos depósitos que receberam, o que tem um impacto significativo na economia e nas finanças.
O processo da Reserva Fracionária Bancária
Quando um cliente faz um depósito em um banco, este é legalmente obrigado a manter apenas uma parte desse valor em reserva e pode emprestar o restante. Por exemplo, se a exigência de reserva é de 10%, o banco pode emprestar 90% do valor do depósito. Este valor emprestado então circula na economia, muitas vezes sendo depositado em outros bancos, onde o processo se repete, permitindo a criação de mais dinheiro do que o valor original do depósito.
Impacto na economia e regulação bancária
A capacidade dos bancos de criar dinheiro através da reserva fracionária tem um impacto significativo na quantidade de dinheiro em circulação e nas taxas de juros. Além disso, levanta questões sobre a estabilidade financeira e a necessidade de regulamentação bancária para evitar instabilidades econômicas decorrentes do ciclo de expansão e contração do crédito.
A Importância da Regulação e Estabilidade Financeira
A compreensão desse processo é fundamental para informar políticas econômicas e financeiras que possam garantir a estabilidade do sistema financeiro. A supervisão e regulamentação eficazes são essenciais para garantir que os bancos operem de maneira responsável e contribuam para a estabilidade financeira como um todo.
Perspectivas Futuras
Considerando seu impacto na economia, a reserva fracionária bancária é um tema crucial que merece atenção e análise cuidadosa por parte dos reguladores e formuladores de políticas econômicas.
O que é reserva fracionária bancária?
A reserva fracionária bancária é o sistema pelo qual os bancos podem criar dinheiro emprestando uma porcentagem maior do valor dos depósitos recebidos.
Como a reserva fracionária afeta a economia?
A reserva fracionária afeta a quantidade de dinheiro em circulação e as taxas de juros, e pode influenciar a estabilidade financeira e a ocorrência de ciclos econômicos de expansão e contração.
A criação de dinheiro pelos bancos comerciais através da reserva fracionária é um aspecto fundamental do sistema financeiro. O entendimento deste processo é essencial para informar políticas e práticas que garantam a estabilidade financeira e econômica. Portanto, a supervisão e regulamentação eficazes são necessárias para garantir que os bancos operem de maneira responsável e contribuam para o bem-estar financeiro da sociedade como um todo.
Who created this concept? Which century? #WhatInTheLustIsThat
How loud is the music bruh
0:28 you skipped over the most important part, that the 900$ is created out of thin air ontop of the existing deposit. The bank doesnt lend out the surplus 900$, they simply conjure it into existence. That why we have inflation and need the economy to grow every year. If the economy doesnt grow, people go bankrupt because the principle is conjured into existence but the interest on that principle is not. Whole thing is a scam.
Please remake this video without any background music.
sooo its all a massive ponzi scheme? brilliant
How is this not fraud
background music too loud..couldn't listen properly
Music so loud that voiceover is hard to hear.
Turn the fuckin' music down!
Fractional reserve banking should be a crime, if I or anyone else did this it would be considered as such and we would go to prison. Banks lend out other peoples money and through interest on that lending they take in massive amounts of revenue. Same with quantitative easing it’s just a fancy word for counterfeiting. Plus under all that is the deposit guarantees which is just ludicrous, if the banks go bust the taxpayer bails them out. The banking system is a criminal organisation above everyone else.
Pls don't add background music in video we can't be able to listen to actual content
how is there 1900?
Music is way too loud.
What if all the customers want their money back at once
why loud music man!!
Should not be legal. We’ve witnessed why it’s a failure of a system for anyone who does tie up most of their wealth in assets.
I still dont understand this. The first guy deposits and the loan goes out. Shouldnt the bank have less money, or is this money that the bank is creating?
Why can't I do this?
Nice video ruined by background music.
Terrible explanation. Just awful.
This is a money scam, only legit banking system is the Islamic Banking System which will Insha’Allah be implemented all over the world one day. Allah knows best! ☝🏽
the background music is louder than the voice the voice of the speaker making it annoying and difficult to listern
Fractional reserve banking was the end of freedom
What is the deal with the music?
I can't hear the narrative due to the music
What this doesn't explain is these commercial banks DO NOT loan out their customers deposits. Only S&L's and credit unions do that. When the bank creates the money for a loan, that's a liability on their books. As the customer pays back the loan, the money supply is reduced in the system. On the loan, on the banks books, their profit only comes from the interest and bank fees. Banks charge so much on credit cards because its an interest free loan during the grace period. After that they can make a profit if you take your time paying off that charge (loan). Our whole money supply is born of debt. Congressional spending is indebted, and bonds are sold on the open market, and private bank created money is debt. The bankers bank is the12 Federal Reserve Banks. Each of those banks loan your bank money if needed and the interest rate they charge is set by the Federal Reserve Board, which controls our money supply, and our economy. The president and Congress DO NOT control our economy. The private Federal Reserve System controls it. Never listen to any politician that takes credit for the good economic times. That's all controlled by the Federal Reserve Board, private bankers.
Great job, could you please lower the volume of the music?
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. – Henry Ford
Revenue stream is from other peoples money.
Good explanation, maybe chill on the music volume next time
Background music was unnecessary
What. The. F.
Money was not created the balance you see in your bank account is not money it is what the bank owes you.
Robbing a bank is an oxymoron
10% reserve requirement was like 100 years ago. In whole EU the percent has been 1% for years. This means they can print alot more money than with 10% Also since the interest is not created this then also means that somebody will loose since everybody can't pay their loans because of every loan that creates new money in the system has interest on it.
The music killed your message.